2018 Informational Hearings

November 29, 2018

Subject:  Joint-Informational Hearing:   California Wine Industry Update: Experts Discuss the Impact of State and Federal Actions and Regulations

August 22, 2018

Subject:  Tribal-State Gaming Compact Between the State of California and the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria

Subject: Amended Tribal-State Gaming Compact Between the State of California and the Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake

Subject: Tribal-State Gaming Compact Between the State of California and the Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria

Subject: Tribal-State Gaming Compact Between the State of California and the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians

Subject: Amended Tribal-State Gaming Compact Between the State of California and the Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians

Subject: Tribal-State Gaming Compact Between the State of California and the Torres-Martinez Band of Desert Cahuilla Indians

Subject:  Tribal-State Gaming Compact Between the State of California and the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians


August 14, 2018

Subject:  Amended Tribal-State Compact Between the State of California and Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians

Subject:  Tribal-State Gaming Compact Between the State of California and the La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians

Subject:  Amended Tribal-State Gaming Compact Between the State of California and the Karuk Tribe

June 5, 2018

Subject:  Joint Informational Hearing:  Initiative Statute:  Division of California into three states. (#1814)

April 5, 2018

Subject: Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Governmental Organization Committee and Assembly Governmental Organization Committee


February 27, 2018

Subject:  Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Governmental Organization Committee and Joint Committee on Emergency Management

March 13, 2018

Subject:  Tribal-State Compact Between the State of California and Elk Valley Rancheria